Home Education 5 Major Reasons For New York City’s Traffic Nightmares

5 Major Reasons For New York City’s Traffic Nightmares

New York City's Traffic Nightmares

New York City is one of the most famous cities that every individual dream to live in.While NYC’s traffic may be a nightmare, starting a business there doesn’t have to be. If you’re planning on launching a transportation solution or any business in this bustling city, you’ll need to properly set up your company. Learn how to file for LLC in New York with a straightforward guide, ensuring your venture is legally protected and well-structured amidst the city’s dynamics.

If you ever visit New York City, you will find that the city wakes up 24X7, offering educational culture and entertainment every corner. While everyone seems busy and in a hurry to go somewhere, daily commuters often reach their destination last due to the traffic congestion.

What It Feels Like Driving On New York Roads?

Visit in your city, and the one thing you will find common on the roads is traffic congestion. New York City is full of people, and to secure every road and corner starts with a bumper and ends with a bumper.

New York City ranks with the most connected traffic in the world. If you are hoping to spend your time driving in New York City, prepare yourself to spend more than 72 hours yearly standing at the traffic lights.

It is due to this reason that so many traffic accidents take place. New York City experiences more than 300 car accident deaths every year. Let me remind you, this number is only about the deaths and not the major and minor injuries.

If you ever encounter a car accident victim, contact a New York accident lawyer to ensure your legal rights are taken care of.

Why Is New York City A Traffic Nightmare?

Sure, there are many cars on the streets, but saying that to prove the reason for the traffic congestion of the New York streets might be an easy way out. If that is the case, using bicycles might be a viable choice to reduce the traffic off the roads.

Well, this is something hypothetical, and long journeys are not possible with bicycles. We can get an accurate solution only after understanding the reason for the recession behind the traffic congestion.

We have done the research and have found some of the issues without roads and think that if we can solve these problems, traffic problems will be taken care of.

1. Lack Of Mass Transit Option

As we have already stated, NYC is one of the most populated cities globally, with almost 28,000 people per mile. That means, even if there is one person out of 10 riding their car on the streets, the street will be tightly packed. This problem further escalates itself due to the lack of mass transit options.

2. Road Obstacles

This is quite common on the roads of NYC. No matter which turns you take, you will find obstacles blocking your roadway. This can be anything:

  • Roadwork.
  • An Accident.
  • Lane closure due to utility work.
  • Double parking.
  • Narrower roads.

3. Out Of Sync Traffic Signals

With the vast road networks, it becomes impossible at times to maintain and coordinate the traffic signals. Hence, sometimes, traffic signals go out of sync, resulting in traffic jams.

4. Inadequate Rail Freight Opportunities

Due to the lack of a rail network, there are just too many trucks on the road. In a city like NYC, where most roads are narrow, traffic jams are bound to happen.

5. Overdevelopment

If we see the traffic problems only, some of the contributions are made by the over development of the area. The mass transit system is already crowded with overdevelopment, leaving the road system inadequate to control the whole road flow infrastructure.

Final Thoughts

While many argue that rides like Uber are the major contributor to the traffic on the streets, we cannot turn a blind eye to the number of vehicles owned by the family. While more than 50% of the NYC residents use mass transit to commute, there are still far too many single drivers on the roads.

With so many vehicles on the road, roads become dangerous places. Hence, you must know what personal injury law is and how you can use it in case you are injured in a car accident.

NYC has several public transport facilities for commuting. Only a few people use public transport to commute from one place to another. If people could change their mindset and look for mass transit as often as possible, we could step into a future where NYC will have clearer road routes and less traffic.