What Are Gizmos? And How Can They Help STEM Students in Virtual High School?

Have you heard of Gizmos? Not the term for any newfangled gadget — here we’re talking about ExploreLearning’s vast library of inquiry-based virtual math and science simulations. Gizmos are a range of learning opportunities that allow students to work through a series of interactive animated experiments and activities. They’re proven to unlock new possibilities for STEM students, allowing children to explore, ask questions, analyze data and results, and find conclusions with confidence.

Each Gizmo is crafted using current technologies and with the latest educational standards and teaching methods in mind. Enhancing STEM education using Gizmos is a fun and innovative way to capture students’ attention, allowing them to learn through a variety of self-discipline-building processes.

How Gizmos Elevate eLearning and Future Contributions to Society

To be a successful learning tool, Gizmos must be purposefully and tactfully incorporated into course structures. Forward-thinking, innovative virtual schools have already done this careful work.

Respected and accredited educational establishments like Ontario Virtual School have strategically embraced Gizmos as an essential STEM learning tool that’s fundamental to student success — not just during high school eLearning, but also for real-world scenarios. Both eLearning and Gizmos empower students to become more comfortable with digital programs and communications standards, which are fundamental skills for today’s changing economy.

If you have been considering a virtual high school for your child, keep in mind those institutions that stay ahead of the curve by using cutting-edge technologies.

How Gizmos Offer STEM-Enriched Education

STEM is an umbrella term that’s used to encapsulate the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Gizmos can aid STEM learners by using various interactive animations to heighten their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as their core understanding of the subject matter.

In science subjects, Gizmos teach children key concepts like Earth and Space, Life Science, and Physical Science. Interactive animations may see children mimicking movements seen during an eclipse, where users manipulate the position of the moon to model solar and lunar activity; others involve predicting hurricane motion by using and analyzing data from multiple weather stations.

In mathematics courses, Gizmos may be used to help children learn multiplication through manual modeling or how to plot charts and graphs through interactive real-world scenarios. For example, this might include operating an elevator and mapping riders’ pick-up and drop-off locations. Here, the learning outcomes include finding and interpreting the coordinates of a point on a line graph and interpreting the motion of the line.

Another key feature of Gizmos is that they won’t rush students through the challenge. Student users can pause or restart each scenario as needed, making Gizmos a perfect aid for a self-paced learning experience that is so often lacking in a traditional STEM classroom.


For some students, STEM subjects can turn into overwhelming and daunting courses. Through the help of an esteemed virtual high school, children can overcome their fears privately and comfortably. In turn, Gizmos can help strengthen their decision-making skills and their understanding of STEM subjects, all while piquing their curiosity, boosting confidence, and encouraging their desire to participate.

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