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How to Become a Software Developer in 2022

Become a Software Developer in 2022

Software developers are the creative minds behind the software programs we use every day. The developers create programs that allow us to accomplish the most challenging and tedious tasks within a very short time. In the past few years, employment opportunities have become favorable for anyone seeking to start a career in software development.

With nearly every organization seeking digital transformation, the biggest challenge for aspiring software developers might be becoming a reputable developer. In this post, we shall give you the top hints that you should follow to become a software developer in 2022. Read on for more information.

Choose which language to learn

When you’re trying to become a software developer, you first need to choose which programming language you want to learn. There are too many languages in the software development world for anyone looking to become a developer to know them all. You can try learning HTML & CSS, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails, Objective-C (for iOS), Swift (for iOS), and Java (for Android).

When choosing which language you want to learn, consider what courses or tutorials will be available in that language. Also, think about how popular the language is and how much demand there is for developers who already know it.

If you’re interested in mobile app development, then it’s best if you choose a language that you’ll be able to use for both Android and iOS development. You can either learn Objective-C or Swift.

Get a certificate in software development

The developers from Kansas City software development company, Active Logic say that most developers will have a certificate of expertise from an organization like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, or Apple. Even if you don’t work for any of these companies but have a certificate from one of them, it will still greatly boost your chances of getting employed. It’s not easy to get this certificate; employers require that the certificates hold specific skills related to programming languages or development tools that they use in their organizations. Make sure that you know what these are before choosing which certification to take up.

The other reason everyone will need a certificate in 2022 is that it will be what employers will look for when choosing between applicants. Some certification organizations like Microsoft and Google offer their coding exams.

Define your end goal

Most people who want to become software developers have this vague idea that they will work from home as freelancers and earn as much as they want. In 2022, you should know that most development jobs are likely to be done in office environments, especially those involving Android or iOS app development.

In other words, your end goal for wanting to become a developer must center on your ability to perform an outstanding job at a company where you’ll work with a team of developers. This means that you should think about taking up courses that can help you land a software development job within a company rather than becoming self-employed.

Develop your technical skills

Once you’ve gotten a certificate in software development and defined your end goal for becoming a developer, the next step is to develop some technical skills. You can try learning how to code or take courses that will enhance your soft skills.

The good news is that there are plenty of opportunities out there for anyone looking to start taking up courses related to coding. Coding academies like Hack Reactor offer intensive training programs which last 4-weeks and cover topics such as object-oriented programming, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails. You can also learn by yourself through online tutorials.

Developing great soft skills will allow you to learn the full cycle of software development, which will improve your chances of getting employed too. Many job postings for developers mention soft skills, so you should consider taking up courses related to them.

Customize your resume accordingly

You’ll need an updated resume in 2022 because most employers now ask their applicants for one before they might get interviewed. Each time you update or make changes to your resume, make sure that it reflects better on your technical skills and communication abilities.

After all, software developers are required to communicate with other members of the development team. If you haven’t taken up any courses related to soft skills, it would be wise for you to start taking them now so that your resume will show employers that you have what it takes to act as an effective communicator within their teams.

Get on LinkedIn

One thing is for sure, and that’s the fact that recruiters everywhere are looking on LinkedIn for people who might fit into positions that they need to fill at their companies. This means that individuals who want to become software developers in 2022 must actively use this social media site.

You should also start networking with other professionals in the software development industry by joining groups related to hardware, coding, apps, and so forth. This will not only improve your LinkedIn profile’s SEO rating, but it will also help you improve your chances of landing an interview for that great job offer that you’ve been looking at for a long time now.

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