Home Education Employee Training in the Digital Age: 6 Facts You Should Know

Employee Training in the Digital Age: 6 Facts You Should Know

Employee Training in the Digital Age

In the digital age, employee training has changed drastically. Gone are the days of sending employees to a physical location for training seminars. Now, businesses are using online platforms to train their employees. This can be a huge advantage for businesses, as it allows them to train employees anywhere in the world, at any time. In this blog post, we will discuss six facts about employee training in the digital age. Stay tuned!

Training employees in the past

The process of training employees used to be a time-consuming and expensive process. Namely, the usual process would involve flying employees out to a physical location, where they would attend seminars and workshops. This process was not only costly but was also logistically difficult. The employers used to have to coordinate the travel and accommodation of all their employees, which was a huge hassle due to the number of employees that needed to be trained.

After the program, the employers would have to hope that their employees retained the information from the seminar and were able to apply it in their work. This was often not the case, as employees would forget what they learned after a few weeks or months. Therefore, the process of employee training was often seen as a waste of time and money.

However, things have changed in recent years. With the advent of online learning platforms, businesses are now able to train their employees more effectively. Online learning platforms offer a number of advantages that traditional methods simply cannot match. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Research does indicate that many people do wish they had been given more training. They are further seeking more opportunities for development within the companies that they work for. Due to not receiving this training and not being offered opportunities for further development, many employees think about quitting their current jobs to seek employment with other companies. With this perspective clearly set forth, it is wise for businesses to provide more training and to consider how training can benefit them in retaining their employees. Reach out to Gild Collective workplace training for a better understanding.

1. Online learning platforms are more cost-effective

The most obvious advantage of using an online learning platform is that it is more cost-effective than traditional methods. There is no need to pay for airfare, accommodation, or other travel costs. In addition, businesses can save on the costs of renting seminar rooms and hiring trainers. If you consider the most important factor – the cost per employee – online learning platforms are clearly the more affordable option.

You can also expect to see a decrease in your overall training budget. This is because you will no longer need to print out physical materials or ship them to your employees. For example, HIPAA training for medical professionals is often expensive because it requires manuals and other printed materials. With an online learning platform, you can provide this same training at a fraction of the cost.

2. Online learning platforms are more convenient

Another advantage of using online learning platforms is that they are more convenient than traditional methods. Online learning platforms can be accessed by your employees at any time, from anywhere in the world. This means that your employees can learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. In addition, they can access the materials from any device, including their smartphones and laptops.

Namely, there are rare cases in which an employee would be unable to access the training materials. This is a huge advantage, as it allows businesses to train employees who are located in different parts of the world.

3. Reduce learning time

Employee Training in the Digital Age

In addition to being more cost-effective and convenient, online learning platforms can also help businesses reduce the amount of time that employees spend learning. The flexibility of online learning platforms allows employees to learn in short bursts, which is more effective than traditional methods.

In addition, businesses can use online learning platforms to create custom courses that are specific to the needs of their employees. This means that employees don’t have to waste time learning information that is not relevant to their job. This is important on many levels, as it can help businesses save on training costs and improve employee productivity.

4. It can cover more competencies

Another advantage of online learning platforms is that businesses can use them to cover more competencies than traditional methods. This is because businesses are no longer limited by the number of trainers that they can hire. With online learning platforms, businesses can create custom courses that cover a wide range of topics.

Combining this with the fact that businesses can use online learning platforms to train employees from anywhere in the world, it’s clear that these platforms have a huge potential when it comes to employee training.

5. Cover all skill levels

When using an online learning platform, businesses can create courses that are specific to the skill level of their employees. A specific course can be created for employees who are just starting out, as well as for employees who are more experienced. This practice allows for a more customized training experience, which is more effective than traditional methods.

In addition, businesses can use online learning platforms to create courses that are specific to the needs of their employees. This means that employees will only be exposed to the information that they need to know, which reduces the overall learning time and redundant topics. Even more so, when your business has a global workforce, you can cater the courses to employees of different cultural backgrounds and with varying levels of experience.

6. Access to expert instructors

Employee Training in the Digital Age

Another advantage of online learning platforms is that businesses have access to a pool of expert instructors. This is because businesses are no longer limited by the number of trainers that they can hire. With online learning platforms, businesses can choose from a wide range of experts who can create custom courses for their employees.

This is a huge advantage, as it allows businesses to train their employees on a variety of topics. Similarly, businesses can use online learning platforms to create courses that are specific to the needs of their employees. This means that employees will only be exposed to the information that they need to know, which reduces the overall learning time and redundant topics.

Nevertheless, now that you are aware of the advantages of using online learning platforms for employee training, you should consider implementing this type of training in your business. Doing so will help you save time and money, while also providing your employees with the best possible training.

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