How to make yourself study if it’s summer outside

Schoolchildren are lucky: May just ended – the long-awaited vacation! But students will have another month to prepare for exams.

Where to get the desire to study when everyone around is happy – walking in the parks, eating ice cream, going to the movies? Of course, you can always ask the experts to “write an article for me” and have some fun while they work on your college assignments. Along with that, when you have to prepare for exams and there’s no one who can do that for you, here’s how not to get discouraged and pass everything with flying colors!

Changing locations

Where does your exam preparation usually take place – in your dorm, at your parents’ house, or in the university library? Whatever the case may be, try a change of location. Some people benefit from it. One concentrates better when stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Follow the example of freelancers and go to work at:

  • a quiet coffee shop;
  • a co-working studio;
  • a park (lay a blanket and combine studying with sunbathing);
  • a country house (if you have a couple of days to spare).

Physical Exercises

Sometimes distractedness prevents quality preparation. Unstable attention can be both from nature, and because of physiological features. In the first case, nothing can be done – these are the peculiarities of the nervous system (we are not talking about mild absent-mindedness, but about diagnosable syndromes). But the second situation is quite amenable to correction. It turns out that attention can be stimulated by physical activity.

Immediately after training, a person is extremely concentrated. Therefore, before taking up your studies, go to the nearest workout playground or run in the park. 15-20 minutes is not that much time.

The more regular you exercise, the better the effect.

The daylight hours are long now. And so being in the sun will allow your body to absorb vitamin D, which is essential for vitality. You’ll find that studying becomes easier.

Good Nutrition

Have you ever noticed that a hearty meal makes you sleepy? Unfortunately, an afternoon siesta is a luxury that students, with every minute and even every second counted, can’t afford. To avoid accidentally dozing off your textbooks, eat properly.

Have a light snack before school. Scrambled eggs, porridge, toast with filling, vegetable salad, or yogurt with fruit will do. As for the coffee (a drink that helps to cheer you up), drink no more than two cups a day. If you overdo it, you will become nervous. Water is a great way to quench your thirst. Drink plenty but in moderation. But it’s better not to abuse mineral water because it has a lot of salt.

Gadgets out!

Hide the gadgets that you don’t need for your studies. Suppress the information noise: social networks, messengers, and news feeds take too much time. Don’t believe it? On Instagram, for example, in the “Activity” section, you can see how much time on average a day a user spends surfing the app – you’d be surprised!

If you’re always itching to check for updates, download a screen blocker.

Background music

For some people, background music helps them concentrate.

The main thing is to choose your genre. According to the researchers from the best writing services, usually, light beats help you get in the mood for work: lo-fi (low-quality sound + jazz chords), chillstep, downtempo, etc. And if you want something like the sounds of nature, turn on the ambient.

There are online radio stations that broadcast music of different genres around the clock.

Also, check out what YouTube has to offer. There are plenty of playlists for all tastes: from the sounds of the city at night to Asian motifs – with relaxing beats, of course.

Preparation schedule

Be sure to have a preparation plan. This will help distribute your energy.

Tip: Don’t wait for inspiration to come by itself. Just make yourself work for at least 2-3 minutes, and you are sure to get involved.

If it is determined that, for example, from 5 to 9 pm to learn exactly 20 questions, no matter what, do not deviate from the schedule. As Cyril Parkinson’s first principle states, work fills the time allotted to it. That is, if you decided to learn those same 20 questions before 11 p.m., you’d just be squandering time. But don’t forget to take breaks at least 10-minute ones every hour.

Training together

Invite someone from your group to study together. The main thing is that such a study does not go to the detriment. There is a risk of constant distractions, joking around, and loitering. Still, remember: you have a common goal – to pass the exam. So try not to be distracted by anything else and discuss questions strictly on the subject.

Ask each other for terms, take turns listing types/functions/properties of things, read aloud, make up parallel associations (they say it helps you remember information), etc. And the unspoken competition will only spur your enthusiasm, which is good for both of you!

Nice little things

Don’t forget to encourage yourself. Get good marks – indulge yourself: a bubble bath, roll up cherries, or a new perfume. The point is that any work must be rewarded. And if little things like that don’t make the change, plan something more ambitious at the end of the session. Say, a trip, a party, or a shopping trip. Let the thought of the upcoming event warm the soul. And that means it’s not time to relax.

And remember the main thing: while everyone is resting, you are learning – investing in yourself and your future. The time will come, and your vacation will be fabulously memorable, you’ll see! In the meantime, be patient, there is not much left!

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