Look Before You Launch: The Ultimate Software Launch Checklist

All too often, businesses launch new products prematurely, or they wait too long to launch and lose out on a lucrative opportunity. With thoughtful project management and wise choices during the build, companies can have a smooth software launch with little to no problems. Work through our checklist to ensure your new product has a streamlined route to market.

Test the software

Before launching any software, testing is vital. Unless you have expert testers on your team, hire a testing company like XBOSoft. Their team can check the code and modules. They can take care of end testing and tests throughout the developing stages. If your product has any bugs, customers will find out quickly, and you could have an expensive mistake on your hands.

When an experienced and professional organization tests your software, they can find the bugs so you can repair them. They can also check compatibility so your customers can use it on their laptops, desktops, and mobile devices.

Get your website ready for customers

If you sell software, you need a method to deliver it to customers. No one uses CD-ROMS to load programs anymore, so your website has to be robust and fully functioning. Digital distribution is the easiest way to deliver software to customers, but only if your website can handle the downloads.

If your website crashes when customers try to download your software, they will not stick around long. Your reputation will be based mainly on the product and whether or not customers can successfully download and use it.

The download process needs to be smooth and secure, especially as the file moves from your website to the customers’ device. Your customers also need to trust that your payment methods are secure. No one wants to spread viruses or open their computers to malware. Your website also needs to provide support to answer customer questions as they arise.

Develop your marketing methods

Before customers purchase your product, they need to decide if they need it. You’ll need to choose the most effective marketing methods for your unique customer base. Some organizations should share press releases, while others may want to use social media marketing.

Even if you have innovative software, it might be similar to another company’s offerings. You’ll need to explain why your product is unique and how it solves customer needs. Your marketing plan should clearly explain what your software does and how it solves problems.

As you are developing your software, consider your ideal customer. Before you launch the product, share content that piques customer interest. Consider sharing blogs, videos, and surveys that engage customers and let them know you have an exciting new creation coming to market.

Provide beta testing opportunities

Customers like to see how other customers have used your products. Before you send your product to market for sale, consider beta testing opportunities. Give some customers a free opportunity to use your product with the expectation that they will provide feedback.

Your loyal customers will appreciate a beta testing opportunity, and they will gladly share their experiences with you and with potential customers. Beta testing creates buzz, and you can build more buzz by holding a contest to see who will get to play around with your new product first.

Get your support team ready to go

Once you release the product, you will have customers who need after-sale support. Most software companies find that they missed something during testing. Customers will contact you with questions about the nuances of the product, and they will let you know if something isn’t functioning correctly.

You will need an efficient support team to help customers and protect your reputation. Your support team can build a list of frequently asked questions that you can share on your website. Chatbots can also help you work with customers more efficiently. Effective customer service will help you grow your reputation and maintain it positively.

Wrap up

Include your entire team in your product launch checklist so that everyone knows their role and the expectations associated with it. Releasing new software is always risky, especially with the launch speed customers expect today. Having a thoughtful plan with a robust and functional website, a strong support team, and proper testing can make the process successful.

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