Recognize plants with your phone

Many connoisseurs of houseplants and garden plants have often faced the question of how to recognize the name of a plant and get detailed information about it. In the past, to identify a plant, you had to read more than one book, or magazine, or do a long search for information on the Internet. However, progress is not standing still! Life with a smartphone has become easier not only for social media enthusiasts but also for avid gardeners. Want to identify a flower from a photo? No problem! Plant identification apps have seen a lot of changes in the past few years, and now they can tell you everything about your potted flower in just a few seconds. It doesn’t matter whether your goal is to identify the name of a houseplant, garden plant, or wild plant, the app will tell you!

How do such programs work?

Plant recognition programs use photo recognition software. With the development of artificial intelligence, applications are using it to accurately identify the species of a plant. All you need to do is take a photo of the flower and upload the photo to the app. After the recognition process, you will know the species of the plant and the basic conditions for its growth and care. Imagine, you can download a free plant identification app and know exactly which plant is in your home or garden. We’ve picked a few plant identification apps to make sure you definitely need to try them in action today!

1. First, we’ll start by telling you about the PLNT app

With PLNT, you can identify a plant with up to 98.7% accuracy! Also, besides recognizing it, the app will tell you complete information about your flower. If you think your plant is sick, with PLNT you can find the disease and find out how to cure the plant by choosing the right treatment and preventing the plant from dying.

There are a number of additional, but at the same time very nice features in the app, such as the light meter, with which you can determine the optimal lighting conditions for the health of your plant. There’s also a watering and care reminders feature, so you don’t forget to water your flower.

Speaking of watering! PLNT has a watering calculator that calculates how much water your plant needs. As an impressive bonus, the app has a Blog tab that has tons of plant care tips and case studies, as well as helpful articles on how to make sure your houseplants and pets exist in harmony.

2. The next application we’ll look at is PictureThis

To recognize a plant in PictureThis, you need to tap on the camera icon on the bottom bar of the app, and point the camera at the plant, you can also upload a photo from the library. The app recognizes flowers quickly and accurately, 10 out of 10 plants were recognized correctly.

The PictureThis app will tell you about other plant names, including the botanical name, description and characteristics, and care tips. You can also see real photos of plants that other users have posted on the app. The app also has a function to remind you to water each individual plant.

As a nice bonus, the app has a gardening community where you can post plants if you don’t know what it’s called, and the main tab has helpful articles and a “flower of the week” section.

3. The last app we’re going to talk about today is going to be PlantSnap identify plants

The plant database of this app has over 600,000 species worldwide, as PlantSnap recognizes over 90% of the flora, it can be leaves, trees, flowers, cacti, succulents, and even fungi. With the Plant Snap app, you will learn how to grow and care for plants with tips and advice, also share your knowledge and refine tips through the Plant Snappers social network with 40 million nature lovers from many countries around the world.

The app also has a plant identifier, all you need to do is upload a photo and identify the names of the plant with other gardeners. With the app, you will get all the information you need and interesting facts about your plant. By the way, as a nice bonus, every new user is given a gift in the form of a name tree by the creators of the app.

The PlantSnap app will be useful if you know the name of a plant and want to learn more about it through the search functions You can explore plants, flowers, and trees with your cell phone and also examine all the details of plants on your computer with augmented reality technology!

In this way, plant recognition apps make it very easy to identify, select care, and treat diseases of your plant. You can scan not only indoor plants, but also flowers, shrubs, and trees from the garden. When choosing an app, pay attention to the additional features, because different apps have many pleasant surprises for you and your plants.

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