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Synergy of Putting SEO And PPC Work Together

SEO And PPC Work

Businesses often use SEO and PPC independently. They are even treated as separate marketing entities. This is because they are not aware of how great business and SERP results become when these two tactics are combined. To help you understand how SEO and PPC can work together for your site to reach its full potential in SERPs, we have defined, compared, and discussed how they work. You’ll understand their power as individual marketing entities and their power when combined.

SEO Definition

SEO And PPC Work

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about ensuring that your website is of quality by increasing organic traffic. This way, you’ll get a higher ranking from Google. When someone searches for anything relevant to your site, it is displayed more often and at one of the top positions.

PPC Definition

SEO And PPC Work

Pay per click (PPC) is when you feature ads on your site through appropriate keywords. Online with organic search, you get paid for these every time a reader or customer clicks on them to follow up on whatever they were researching. It also helps when people are searching for something related to an ad you are bidding on, your site can be a response to those searches also.

SEO & PPC Similarities & Differences

SEO and PPC have many differences, but they also have some similarities. Both their differences and similarities make them powerful together. If you are running an all-to-know-about tech brand, for instance, they assist in making your site more visible and viewed online. Take a look at the similarities and differences listed below.


  • SEO and PPC both help in driving traffic to your website
  • Though PPC uses a paid ads system and SEO takes a more organic route, they have a similar end goal of climbing the SERPs.
  • They both use keyword-driven methods. SEO uses relevant terms to optimize site aspects and PPC bids on the more suitable words and phrases.
  • Both grouped under search engine marketing (SEM)


  • SEO uses various techniques to improve website rankings. These techniques include content creation, link building, technical optimization, and other similar activities.
  • PPC is mainly used for content marketing. Advertisers pay you a certain amount every time their ads get clicked on through your site.
  • When using PPC, you stand a chance of your website being above organic-ranked websites, as paid adverts are usually listed at the top of search engine listings.
  • Those who generate traffic through ads must pay for site visits, while organic-optimized sites are free.
  • PPC results are generated instantly, but once the campaign ends or whatever is advertised is no longer on demand, the levels can drop.
  • On the other hand, with SEO optimization, it can take a long time to see results, from months to approximately years. Nonetheless, once this strategy starts producing results, it will likely be long-term.

SEO & PPC Work In Synergy

Looking at what SEO and PPC stand for, their similarities and differences, these two website marketing strategies can combine well together. If you haven’t thought about trying that out, here are some of the reasons you should:

Increase SERP Coverage

On top of PPC advertising that helps the site appear at the top on search engine listings, when combined with SEO methods, your site can consume many SERPs. If the person searching skips the ads at the top of the search engine listings, they will still find your site on the organic list.

With PPC and SEO, your site has double the exposure it used to have. This means there is a higher chance that users will click on your site when using both methods than when using one. Moreover, consumers will be effectively guided to your site, influencing the number of times your product or service will be consumed.

Enhancing Visibility, Traffic, and Immediate Results

Since both SEO and PPC rely on keyword optimization, you must ensure that you choose the right words or phrases. Businesses get better at this with time. However, it takes a shorter period to grasp this when using PPC than SEO.

Remember that SEO takes time to generate results. When you have both of these marketing methods by your side, the PPC team can assist the SEO team by passing on keywords that have proven to be more effective to help enhance visibility quicker. Once SEO results also show, that information can be given back to PPC to help their promotions be more effective.

Increase Brand Awareness

Through PPC Ads, consumers become aware of your brand. Sometimes they get distracted or figure it’s not what they were looking for and go back to whatever they were doing. However, that click has made them aware of your business. When they need what your brand offers, they will likely come across your site or even remember it on their own.

When more customers become aware of your brand, they will likely come across its organic listings. Also, the more they engage with these listings, your site’s traffic levels, and conversions are elevated.

In Closing

There are many ways in which SEO and PPC can be of help to one another. However, if businesses do not have enough knowledge to take advantage of this combination, they might not gain as much. It’s essential to know how both these work and their differences. Understanding their differences and similarities will help you know how to use them intertwined. Remember to pass information between the two marketing strategies to help increase SERP coverage, site visibility, and brand awareness. If these are used together correctly, your site views and interaction can only increase.

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