Home Softwares/Apps Top 3 Benefits of Automated Patch Management

Top 3 Benefits of Automated Patch Management

Automated Patch Management

With cyberattacks becoming more powerful in current times, cybersecurity has become a greater concern for IT companies. Likewise, as employees started working remotely and the IT infrastructures shifted to the cloud, fully automated patching is apparently the most plausible way to reduce the attack surface.

The automatic patch management systems eliminate the manual load of deploying patches, leading to enhanced security, patch confidence, detailed reporting, and productivity. In short, it saves time, money, and resources for your company while continuously improving your security.

Now, let’s discuss the top 3 benefits of switching to automated patch management in detail.

1. Security

Security is the primary reason for companies to have automated patching solutions. Software vendors release new patches to fix new kinds of security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the wrong users. Furthermore, with the new remote working scenario, most organizations have thousands of endpoints connected to their infrastructure. As a result, protecting both software and hardware has become more challenging.

However, automated solutions ensure that every client or server that accesses the company is secured. Plus, applying security patches in time minimizes the risks of security breaches, data theft, data loss, reputation loss, or even legal penalties.

Hence, if you want to protect your data from a security breach by malicious software or people wanting to damage your IT system or network, it is time to switch to automated patching.

2. Company’s Productivity

When you choose an efficient patch deployment system, you unknowingly select a medium to increase the overall productivity of the whole company.

Manual patching is a time-consuming process, and an automated approach would undoubtedly take the burden off the employees and lead to better productivity. Also, patches come with performance improvements for the products they fix, and when your employees don’t have to worry about these issues, it will lead to an automatic productivity boost.

Surprisingly, it is not malware activities that steal a company’s sensitive data, and rather downtime of the employees is what affects productivity. It can congest networks, slow down systems, break down applications, or take time for reinstallations to restore. The new, improved security will encourage the team to work on other tasks rather than worrying about malware or cyber-attacks.

Automated Patch Management

3) Compliancy

The third most crucial benefit of fully automated patching is compliancy.

Recently, compliance has become the primary reason companies implement a reliable patch management program. In addition, new laws, such as having the systems be completely patched up, are being imposed on companies, leading to the adoption of the best out of best security practices in companies.

Usually, government institutions, companies offering financial services, and healthcare organizations are the ones most influenced by new regulations. However, all companies need to have tight cybersecurity to protect the privacy and data of their employees and customers.


Not to forget, any failure to comply with these security regulations can lead to unwanted loss of opportunities and even to legal and financial penalties or even loss of entire business.

Final Thoughts

Fully automated patching is the most reliable and efficient solution for improving a company’s security practices. Switching to automated patch management systems can reduce the manual burden of deploying patches, increase the company’s overall security, and provide additional benefits such as detailed reporting, enhanced productivity, and more visibility.