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A Complete Guide to Fixing Credit Errors and Repairing Your Score

Fixing Credit Errors

Your credit report is fundamental to your financial health and the information contained within it must be accurate. Finding mistakes on your credit report is demoralizing because you know creditors are judging you by what it says. People will make decisions on whether to extend credit, how much to charge in interest rates, and even whether to extend a job offer based on the information contained in your credit report. You should take certain steps to ensure mistakes on your credit report are corrected. Sometimes, getting a credit repair lawyer involved may be necessary to ensure the major reporting agencies are following the rules.

If you’ve never paid attention to your credit report, it could be costing you a fortune. The best thing to do is start at the beginning and take these steps to ensure your credit report contains accurate information. Here’s what you need to do to correct errors on your report and repair your credit.

Get Copies of Your Report

First, it is imperative that you get copies of your credit report from all 3 major reporting agencies. These include Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian. Each report may contain different information, and it is essential that the information contained in each is correct. You’ll want to get printed copies of these reports so you can make notes. If you must involve an attorney for help, they will need copies of the report from each agency.

Initiate Disputes

Take the time to review the report from each agency. You’ll likely find errors on at least one of them. While it’s unfortunate, errors are common. List out each inaccuracy found along with the report it is on. You’ll have to alert the credit bureau by initiating a dispute and sending supporting documentation for your claim. The agency has 30 days to investigate your dispute and make corrections. If you send supporting documentation and they refuse to correct the mistake, you may need to partner with a credit repair lawyer to get results.

Tackle Collections and Late Accounts

Next, you’ll want to make payments on late accounts and pay off any collection accounts. This is the best way to raise your credit score. Once the information in your report is accurate, you’ll want to eliminate as much negativity as possible. Collection accounts bring scores way down, so pay those off first. Then catch up on any overdue accounts, especially if they may go to collections. Be sure to keep receipts if you need documentation from creditors or the credit bureau.

Partner with a Credit Repair Lawyer Today

Most credit reports contain inaccuracies, so be sure to check yours closely. Get a copy of your credit report from all three major reporting agencies and go over the information with a fine tooth comb. Make notes of incorrect information and initiate a dispute with the appropriate agency. Then provide all supporting documentation for your claim. Remember, they have 30 days to investigate and correct the information. If they refuse to change it, partner with an experienced credit repair lawyer to help you correct the information in your credit report.

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