Automated Testing Techniques: The Most Common

There is no software with 100% bug-free and free from issues. In today’s modern world of software development, testing is necessary.

Through fast-paced technological advancements and the latest automated testing techniques, the efficiency and quality of testing innovates and improves resources to point to the areas that need human intelligence and physical involvement.

Using the proper automated testing technique at the right time is vital to delivering quality software at speed. Thus, automation testing companies have many benefits to match this momentum, such as faster feedback, diminishing human error, broader test coverage, and progressive testing efficiency.

What is Automated Testing?

Before we head to the testing techniques, let’s define automated testing.

Automated testing or test automation is testing numerous parts of new software with minimal to no human involvement. It is software testing that uses special automated testing software tools to run a test case suite.

For the most part, it establishes every aspect of the software design operated without humans sitting in front of the computer for manual tests.

Now, let’s have a glance at the most effective automation testing techniques:

Unit Testing

The first stage of testing, unit testing, is testing small or individual software elements. These tests are made and performed by developers to make sure each function in your software is operating correctly.

It is typically done manually but can also be automated and usually done whenever there is new code.

API Test

The Application Programming Interface (API) serves as the channel between all the other systems that require it to function in your software. Commonly, API testing is done after software development to ensure that everything is working perfectly.

API components are becoming very favorable among many developers, given the reproduction of the cloud.

Integration Testing

Integration test reviews whether the modules or subunits of the application or software are working. These practical tests check all the particular pieces of software tests are running well as a whole.

Take note to double-check both expected and unexpected inputs in the application.

System Test

After completing the application, testing the complete system is a must. Supplementarily, there are several kinds of system testing, such as:

Smoke Test

A smoke test is a productive test that exposes either the stable or not the build. It determines the function of vital features to ascertain whether the program can endure further testing. The title comes from the concept that this test prevents the program from catching fire if not ready for another testing.

Moreover, it is a quick set of tests that validate an application’s core functionality and instantly recognize whether a new code or a need for change to your backend has significant problems.

Functional Tests

Functional testing is where you make sure that the system functions in the projected manner. It verifies that the software can handle tension and convey a better and more high-quality user experience.

Regression Test

The regression tests validate that the latest code hasn’t interrupted your existing application. It allows you to make sure whether an old or new bug has reappeared.

This test is functional and non-functional, checking that no part of the software has deteriorated even after some changes.

Security Test

Security tests aim to check that everything is functional and non-functional, which can exploit for security purposes.

UI Test

User Interface (UI) testing utilizes applications to test if they are working correctly. It is, however, one of the last tests in the process. Its creation is to replicate a common user experience accurately.

UI testing observes that users merge with the end product works as expected. This test can be done manually by a human tester or automatically carried out.

Acceptance Test

An acceptance test is the final level of testing for any software or application. This test verifies if the application or software responds to what the user wants it to.

Performance test

It assesses responsiveness and durability, like logging in to the account correctly. These tests check that the backend will be able to perform under the anticipated load from the users like stress tests, responsiveness, and load tests.

A/B Test

A/B Testing, also known as split testing, is a method of contrasting two versions against each other to decide which one performs better. You can choose which one is a UI component the user prefers or a new feature that is simply popular.

Wrapping Up

Automated Testing Techniques are one of the best ways to develop the effectiveness, delivery speed, test coverage, quality product, and overall performance in software testing.

As mentioned, automated testing includes several advantages. If you want to maximize the benefits of automated testing, involve a reliable automation testing company to get all the perks without breaking the application quality and performance.

Lastly, human error is prevalent and inevitable to happen. However, we have ways to eliminate it through investing in automation testing and following the significant techniques.

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