Home Technology Do VPNs Change Your MAC Address?

Do VPNs Change Your MAC Address?


You have heard already that VPNs can change your IP address. However, devices have unique MAC addresses that are used by routers to direct packets to the correct device. So, can VPNs also change your MAC address?

One way to find out is to get a good virtual private network such as surfshark vpn download it from their official site. All you need to do is note down your device’s mac address first and then connect to a VPN server. Once you are connected, recheck your device’s mac address.

However, you may not be able to figure out many things yourself. Therefore, you need to read this guide to understand better VPNs and how they work.

Do VPNs Change Your MAC Address?

Do VPNs Change Your MAC Address

The answer to this question is no; you can’t change your MAC address with a VPN. Your device has a unique identifier that is called a MAC address. This cannot be changed by using a VPN.

A MAC address is assigned to your device by the manufacturer, and routers use it to direct packets to the correct device. When you connect to a VPN, your traffic is routed through the VPN server.

This server assigns you a new IP address. However, your device’s MAC address does not change.

Some people mistakenly believe that they can change their MAC address using a VPN. However, this is not the case. Your device’s MAC address cannot be changed by using a VPN.

What is a MAC Address Used for?

MAC address is fixed for every device, and it is hardcoded, which means it cannot be changed by any means. Now you must be thinking about what a mac address is used for?

MAC Address is unique for every device, and it is used for the identification of the device on a network. Network administrators use it to identify and manage devices connected to their networks, and some ISPs also use it to identify customer devices.

Apart from that, MAC addresses are also used in certain authentication procedures, for example, when connecting to a secured wireless network.

In such cases, the wireless access point will ask for the MAC address of your device and will then allow or deny you access to the network depending on whether that MAC address is listed in its whitelist or blacklist.

Why Can’t You Change it with a VPN?

Virtual private networks are designed to hide your IP address and make you appear as if you are located in a different country. However, they do not change your device’s MAC address.

Your device’s MAC address is hardcoded, and it cannot be changed by using a VPN. It is assigned to your device by the manufacturer, and routers use it to direct packets to the correct device.

When you connect to a VPN, your traffic is routed through the VPN server. This server assigns you a new IP address, and however, your device’s MAC address does not change.

Last Minute Thoughts

To conclude the above information, virtual private networks are designed in such a way that they mask your IP address whenever you are connected.

This gives the user advantage and allows him to access restricted content or websites that are not available in their country.

However, VPNs do not change your device’s MAC address, and it remains the same as when you first got it from the manufacturer. It is mainly because the MAC address is hardcoded into the device while IP addresses are assigned from different servers.

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