Home General Don’t Commit These 12 Mistakes When Taking Your DMV Test

Don’t Commit These 12 Mistakes When Taking Your DMV Test

DMV Test

The rate of people who fail their driving test each year is alarming. According to the NHTSA, 48% of people fail on their first attempt. All of these people have one thing in common: they make very avoidable mistakes.

You don’t have to add your name to the stats. With careful practice and preparation, you can save yourself a re-sitting fee.

Visit sites like dmvtest.autos to find all the resources you need to get a license that can help you get rides.

Now, we’ve compiled this article as a guide for all those aspiring to take the DMV test. These are the mistakes to avoid when taking your DMV test.

1. Driving Too Quickly

This is a very common mistake that first-timers make during a DMV test. Often, this isn’t even due to recklessness but rather anxiety.

In your best interest, make it a mental note to stay below the posted speed limit at all times. There are signs at every intersection. Take note of them and calm your nerves while doing so.

Also, do not overspeed, and be careful not to drive too slowly. This could be a turn-off for both your assessment officer and other drivers on the road.

2. Not Checking Mirrors

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Your assessment officer will especially try to note how often you check your mirrors. Your mirrors act as informants of hazards. They show you what’s coming in front of and behind you.

You should check your right, left, and rear mirrors at every 10-second interval. Even though they’re just quick glances.

Blind spots are something you shouldn’t ignore either.

If you don’t, you could lose points on your tests. Impress your assessment officer with those constant, quick glances.

3. Driving Distractedly

Music might be your means of soothing your nerves, but at this point, it would be best if you left the radio off. Keep your cell phone away as well. All of your attention should be on how to impress your driver.

On a normal day, it’s even unethical to answer your phone while you drive. So many accidents have been reported due to this.

If you’re driving distractedly, you might get jammed into a sticky situation that will require your examiner to step in and take charge. This is the worst thing that could happen during your test. Rest assured, you will not be getting that license if this happens.

4. Improper Parking

Parking is inevitable once you begin driving. This is why you should pay close attention to honing your parking skills. Your instructor needs to see that you have mastered the art of parallel parking. Don’t be like those drivers who take decades to master this.

Moreover, in some states, you will not be eligible for a license if your examiner is not particularly impressed with your parking skills.

There are hundreds of videos online to help you master this. With the countless teaching styles available, you will surely find one that suits your mode of driving.

Though these training sessions are recorded videos, you could use them as mental guides when you do personal physical practice before your tests.

5. Forgetting paperwork

Nothing annoys an examiner more than showing up to discover you have forgotten your required documents at home. If you’re unlucky, they might cancel your appointment altogether. And yes, they have the right to.

Arriving early is one thing; shooting up with your existing Class 7 license, vehicle registration, and insurance is another (and probably more important) thing.

If you’ve completed an online driving program, feel free to include your certification in the batch of submitted documents.

To save yourself the embarrassment, ensure that you pack all the necessary requirements into a batch the day before your stipulated test.

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6. Not Signaling In Time

As a road rule, you must signal for at least 5 seconds before every action. If you signal too soon, you might confuse drivers behind you. If it’s too late, you might even cause an accident.

Your indicator should only be on when it needs to be. Turn it off so other drivers don’t misunderstand your intentions. You’ll most likely find questions related to this in your learner’s written test.

7. Exceeding School Zone Driving Limits

If your test routes encompass a school zone, it would be in your best interest to learn about the safe limits in these locations. One thing to note is that driving limits around school zones vary based on hours.

During school hours, most vehicles are required to drive at 40 km/h. You will most probably find a road sign indicating this.

If you can’t avoid driving through these routes, take time to practice on them before your appointment with the examiner.

8. Not Stopping At The Right Moment

When you eventually become a professional driver, you’ll realize why examiners make so much fuss over this. If you do not stop your vehicle exactly when you should, there could be consequences. These consequences range from fines to accidents.

You must stop your vehicle completely before you get to the stop line. Remember, stop means stop! No part of the vehicle must go over the line. This is one of the reasons you’ll be required to do a vision test. When you take your learner’s permit practice test, you’ll see questions relating to this.

9. Not Giving Way

As a driver, you need to possess the ability to decipher what a safe gap is. This skill will be especially handy when you’re entering traffic, turning at intersections, or changing lanes. If there’s a vehicle behind you that needs to get in front, you must learn to give them priority and let them move forward.

Your examiner will surely be livid if you fail to make way for a vehicle as important as an ambulance during your test.

10. Indecision At Four Ways

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Confidence is important for a lot of reasons. One of them is so you don’t get stuck with indecision at a four-way stop. Your examiner expects you to know what to do. Do not stay parked for longer than necessary. Not only will this leave other drivers confused, you risk causing an accident.

11. Applying Too Much Brake

It’s not possible to drive without hitting the brake at some point. But you must master the art of moderation. Apply the brakes gently, consistently, and only when needed.

Do not stomp your feet harshly on the brake. Start gently; as you get closer, increase pressure.

Practice your brake proficiency in a large open space before you book an appointment with your examiner. And make sure you’re confident in your expertise.

12. Not Preparing Your Vehicle For The Road

Imagine the horror of your vehicle stopping right in the middle of your test. Lack of vehicle maintenance can cause you to miss out on your license. Before you book an appointment, ensure that your mechanic has done a thorough checkup on your vehicle.

Wrapping Up

We know that getting behind the wheel to impress your examiner can plunge you into a fit of anxiety. But, honestly, there’s nothing to fret about.

You only need to prepare maximally. What better way to prepare than with hands-on practice? Take your vehicle out on the road and master the basic skills before booking that appointment.

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