Home Technology How STRIDE Threat Modeling Can Help You

How STRIDE Threat Modeling Can Help You

STRIDE Threat Modeling

Today, cyber-attacks are becoming more rampant than ever. It’s becoming common to hear people getting scammed or hacked by cybercriminals. That is why corporations and businesses take cybersecurity very seriously.

Cyber-attacks can happen at any time. Cybercriminals can hack suppliers to gain access to customer data. Or take advantage of an application’s vulnerabilities to damage an organization.

With so many emerging threats present, developers must stay on top of their applications and code to ensure no threats can occur. But how can they do that?

The answer is stride threat modeling. And in this article, you will learn all about it and how it can help you and your business.

What is STRIDE threat modeling?

The STRIDE threat model is a threat modeling method developed by security researchers at Microsoft in 1999. The word STRIDE came from major threat categories organizations face: Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Escalation of privilege.

While this threat model is useful on its own, it’s also part of a wider methodology that provides a practical framework for security teams to identify threats and deal with them through security procedures.

The Benefits of STRIDE Threat Modeling

Now that you know what STRIDE threat modeling is, below are some benefits you can gain as an individual and an organization.

Get Ahead of Vulnerabilities at an Early Stage

You’ll typically find vulnerabilities in your code once you have finished your application. Some developers like to use user experience as bases to improve their final product. Buts it’s much cheaper to fix the flaws during development than when your product goes live. Plus, it lets you avoid dissatisfaction from your users.

STRIDE threat modeling centers in development to assess threats that may rise in the future. You can use this model as a checklist to secure the development process of your application, support developers in identifying vulnerabilities in the early stage of development, and easily remediate and mitigate such problems.

Take a Security-First Approach

Stride Threat modeling encourages developers to think about how the major threat categories can attack their applications. This lets them anticipate how cybercriminals can attack their system with current vulnerabilities and develop cyber security measures to handle such attacks. Plus, it challenges their assumptions, makes them question if they are possible, and confirms them through testing.

You can also combine STRIDE with the DREAD risk management model to determine risks and prioritize the remediation of vulnerabilities.

STRIDE Threat Modeling Can Be Carried Out Over After Development 

If you use STRIDE threat modeling in your development process, don’t just stop there. Carry it over to when the product goes live.

The STRIDE threat model’s framework allows security teams to create threat modeling exercises for the system to ensure it’s always on top of the rapidly evolving digital landscape. It lets your organization protect itself from both older and newer generations of threats.

STRIDE Threat Modeling is Part of a Wider Cybersecurity Program

To ensure your applications and systems can handle different cyber-attacks, a multi-faceted cybersecurity risk management program is a must.

And STRIDE threat modeling is one of the facets that support developers in creating applications and systems with secure development practices. This model alone will not ensure your application from all threats, but it will provide you with a strong foundation in the early stages of development.


Cyber-attacks are not to be taken lightly by anyone. Cybercriminals can steal your and your customer’s data, hack your accounts and sell your information on the dark web, damaging your organization. So it’s essential to ensure your cybersecurity is ahead of the curve. And with the STRIDE threat modeling and other security measures, you can be confident that your application and system can handle old and new threats.

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