Home Technology How To Be More Productive During WFH- A 30-Day Challenge

How To Be More Productive During WFH- A 30-Day Challenge

WFH- A 30-Day Challenge

Working from home seemed like an excellent idea when it first commenced. However, as time passed, the idea of sitting at your desk and working day and night became appalling.

However, it became even more difficult to keep up with our productivity. So, what are you supposed to do now? How are you going to ensure productivity even when you know that you are not rich enough to simply move to a different location every day?

It is difficult to handle the monotony, and we are always worried about procrastination.

Yes, procrastination is the biggest poison when you are trying to test your potential for productivity. So, how can you dismiss those procrastinating thoughts and get on with your work?

Your bed is calling you for a good nap!

Your console is calling you for a good game!


Netflix is calling you for that newly released series!

This is why you must delete all your OTT platforms. The number of choices is too much fuel for your procrastination. You should simply download the movies and series which you wish to watch and watch them later. Rid yourself of too many choices, and the urge to binge will go away.

Download your favorite movies and series for free from RarBG.

Your Favorite Challenge!

By the end of the 30th day, this productivity challenge will be your favorite. With all the good chemicals released, you will be high on work mode. Laziness and procrastination will be distant cousins whom you do not meet anymore.

1. Set goals that will suit working from home routine. 2. Get a long sleep, probably 8 hours to jump-start the week refreshed. 3. Enlist the household work which you need to get done, and assign time for them. 4. Wake Up 15 minutes earlier to start the habit of waking early, and not start working the moment you wake. 5. Count your water intake for the day, and start practicing this every day.
6. Do not wake up today, and check your phone first thing in the morning. 7. Create long-term goals. Like monthly or yearly. This will renovate your ambitions. 8. Make a productivity playlist, which will uplift your mood when feeling down. 9. Today you keep track of every activity, and what hour of the day you should give to each. 10. Make a list from most important to least, and see if there is a task you can stop to save more time.
11. Speak to someone who inspires you, and ask about their productivity tips. 12. Tidy up your room in the morning before you sit with your task. 13. Try to not take some time out to relax. Have a warm cup of tea in the morning while enjoying nature. 14. Think of a small achievement from your last week, and try to make some of 15. Join a support group online, that encourages you to strive towards your goal.
16. Try a new habit that will contribute towards your productivity. 17. Choose a habit that is cutting down your productivity, and cut it out. 18. Plan a meal for your entire week. Something which is easy to make and healthy. 19. Make a miscellaneous list. Something you can attend to later so that you are not distracted now. 20. Try meditating for 5-10 minutes, and try to continue this every day.
21. Get into an exercise regime that will help you get more productive. 22. Spend an hour before starting your task to do admin work. 23. If something is absolutely unnecessary, then remove it from your to-do list. 24. Take the last one hour of the day in order to spend some time with yourself. 25. Wake up and practice gratitude in the morning. Be thankful for the job you have.
26. Get items to set up your favorite workstation. Sometimes the surroundings can do wonders. 27. Take time to make a vision board, and remind yourself why you are working so hard. 28. Try to finish your entire work thirty minutes early, so you have time to learn new things. 29. Find a new place to work today. Not your everyday desk, but somewhere else. 30. Measure your month’s productivity, and reward yourself.

Challenge Accepted!

Now that you have a challenge, print it; get it ready, and get everything done at once. Being productive all day is certainly a challenge, but with little discipline and determination, you will grow a habit.

A habit of being productive!

Wouldn’t that be exciting!

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