Tips For Finding the Best Work-Life Balance For Remote Workers

Nowadays, working remotely has become quite often for regular employees. Ever since the pandemic hit, companies started taking measures so that their employees could work in a safe environment while keeping the company running. Even though the pandemic has subsided, many companies are still hiring remote employees. This not only saves companies money on renting out bigger spaces, but it makes them easier t find good employees from anywhere in the world.

But, that all is not as well orchestrated as initially seemed. ExpressVPN reveals some issues with remote employees and their productivity. The survey revealed that some remote workers waste around 1,400 working hours each year. Companies tend to ignore the work-life balance of remote employees, which makes them feel demotivated. This eventually results in decreased productivity and more work hours spent on non-work-related things by these employees.

How To Find Work-Life Balance For Remote Workers

It is not very easy to manage a healthy work-life balance these days. Almost all major companies have great expectations from their employees. However, if someone is a remote worker, these expectations essentially blur the work-related boundaries of rhythm. This could lead to employees using work hours to slack off, and they must work beyond work hours to finish work. However, this results in decreased productivity. So, how to resolve the issues? Let’s find out what employers can do.

How a Stable Work-Life Balance Improves Productivity For Remote Workers

A survey revealed that a huge chunk of remote employees works only two-thirds of their work hours and spend most of their time doing other non-work related stuff. There could be many reasons this might happen; however, based on the survey, remote workers feel they need better control of their work hours. Since remote employees have to work outside of work hours, they get pretty loose with their time boundaries, eventually spending more and more time doing other things rather than working during work hours.

Companies should create stricter work schedules for employees so that they can do what is needed within a certain time frame. This will allow them to finish work within the required hours. Additionally, companies can also choose to train their employees so that they can feel more included in the office culture.

These methods are some of the basic things that can be done to increase remote workers’ overall productivity. However, these are not the only things that can be done. Companies can create a small remote worker meeting room where they can seek help from fellow remote employees or interact with them if they are facing certain issues with a task. This will encourage employees to seek help and build good connections with their colleagues.

Even though these measures are not very significant, they can be pretty helpful for remote employees. Companies can also create a point-based reward system or ask their emote employees for some ideas. This will also get the remote employees involved in a healthy discussion, and employers will be able to understand the issues that remote workers are facing.


Even though many remote employees are spending their work devices exploring non-work related things, it is obvious why the problem is occurring. Most remote employees have agreed that if they had a better work-life balance, they would feel more motivated to spend their time working. Similarly, a vast number of remote employees are simply not happy with their jobs and are simply not interested in doing more than the bare minimum.

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