Home Technology Why Product Data Cleansing Matters to Brands & Online Retailers

Why Product Data Cleansing Matters to Brands & Online Retailers

Product Data Cleansing

Brands & online retailers use data to make decisions, track progress, and drive business strategies. Dirty or outdated data isn’t useful for any of these purposes, and it can even be harmful to customers. Data is vital to any company’s success. Product Data Cleansing can help you make the most of it.

1. Increased Product Visibility

Product data feeds are vital for many e-commerce marketing strategies, including Google Shopping, Facebook dynamic ad campaigns, and Amazon marketplace listings. When a feed contains messy or inconsistent product data, it can affect campaign results.

Clean data helps ensure that ads reach the right target audience and are relevant to their needs. It also enables marketers to create seamless customer experiences and increase sales.

Brands and online retailers often struggle with product data quality. Incorrect or outdated product information, missing fields, and erroneous data can lead to loss of revenue opportunities.

Having poor-quality data can also impact other aspects of your business, such as customer relationship management and sales systems. Having accurate information on file can improve employee productivity and help avoid inventory shortages, delivery snafus, and other business problems that can be expensive to remedy.

In addition to improving data quality, cleaning can also reduce the number of duplicate records in a company’s database. This is important because it can cut down on unnecessary costs and free up resources that can be used to develop new business initiatives.

2. Increased Conversion Rates

Product visibility is a key factor in converting online retail visitors into customers. It’s important because, when shopping online, shoppers have access to extensive product information and can compare products in an instant.

While this trend has accelerated across all channels, brick-and-mortar stores are still playing a crucial role in helping consumers make their purchase decisions. The experience economy has transformed how people shop, requiring stores to present commodities in a way that makes them stand out from the rest and grab their attention.

In order to achieve this, brand eCommerce marketers need clean and consistent product data. This ensures that their feed is standardized, complete, and ready for optimization. Moreover, it allows for easy management and searches filtering of the feed to extract insights. Lastly, it helps increase sales through increased conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

3. Better Customer Experience

Product data cleansing matters to brands and online retailers because it improves customer experience. It provides a single view of customers, which can be reflected on their purchasing journeys.

Clean data also helps you avoid the common operational pitfalls that can negatively impact your brand. These include delivery snafus, inventory shortages and other problems that can lead to higher costs and lower revenues.

Inconsistent data can make it harder for sales reps and marketing teams to reach their customers. It can also lead to wasted resources when you have multiple email addresses and phone numbers for a given account.

By giving your sales, marketing, and customer success teams a single set of data, you can empower them with the context they need to speak to each individual. This will help them more accurately target campaigns, test new strategies, and improve their results.

4. Increased Sales

Clean, reliable, and accurate product data is a crucial part of any successful online marketing campaign. Whether you’re looking to boost your Google Shopping ad conversions, optimize your Facebook dynamic ad campaigns, or list your products on the Amazon marketplace, clean product data is a must-have for any business.

Incorrect, messy, or outdated product information can deter customers from purchasing your products. Furthermore, incorrect information may result in faulty returns, as customers are more likely to return an item that doesn’t meet their expectations.

Aside from boosting sales, data cleansing also improves the efficiency of your marketing efforts. It will help you generate an efficient customer list with the right details so that you can roll out effective marketing strategies with ease.

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