As a teacher, keeping all of the students in your classroom motivated for learning day in and day out can take some strategic planning. With various learning styles among the students, finding a blanket technique to get them excited about the material is impossible.
While there are many online suggestions, you can find eight of the top strategies for motivating your students below.
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Foster learning through your environment
Having a bright and enticing color palette can bring a high level of motivation to students in the classroom. Taking the time to dress up the otherwise bare and dull walls with some classroom decorations like posters, graphs, or inspirational phrases can make a big difference in the productivity level of students.
Accommodate learners of all levels
As with any classroom, students have varying degrees of academic ability. While some may excel in certain areas, there are just as many struggling to understand the material. As educators work to resolve these issues, it is vital to allow students to obtain respite by learning through mediums that alleviate stress and anxiety.
For some, this accommodation may mean verbally completing an examination instead of doing it in traditional ways. Others may find comfort while using a Chromebook or other technology to complete assignments.
Provide ample positive feedback
In a world where it is constantly debated whether praise is overdone or not, don’t be afraid to insert it into your student’s day when you can. For many children, praise and positive feedback aren’t commonly heard in their homes and can lead to a sharp decrease in morale and motivation.
Getting praise in the classroom from a teacher or staff member can be a small thing to incorporate that will go a long way in their learning journey.
Foster a growth mindset
Public education puts a significant emphasis on standardized testing and results. The stress this brings to students and educators alike is alarming. Teachers are worried about their students learning the material and getting scores to keep administration and state officials happy. Still, children know the importance of these examinations, which causes anxiety.
Reiterating to students that perfection isn’t the key to success, but rather that consistent growth and commitment in any area is the ultimate goal. Use this opportunity to alleviate the stress that comes with academic rigor.
Display relevance
It’s often heard worldwide by adults who have finished their public school education – “I haven’t used long division once since graduating!” Because of these common statements, it is essential to introduce a new topic while also talking about how it ties back into everyday life and future careers.
For many students, the feeling of wasting time on a subject that they won’t utilize going forward can cause a lack of motivation. Applying lessons to real-life examples can help resolve this issue and ensure that students understand how to use the skills they learn.
Create a personal relationship
Now more than ever, students struggle with mental health issues in and out of the classroom. While teachers have a lot on their plate and many students in their care, taking the time to have a personal relationship with each student can make a huge difference.
Those children will know that the classroom is a safe space and that they have a person in their corner. Even just stopping by their desk once or twice a week to see how it’s going or if there’s anything they need can make an enormous impact on their day.
Instill responsibility and trust
At times, understanding that an adult is holding them accountable and trusting that they will do their part will motivate a student to give their all to their assignments. No child likes to disappoint someone they care about, and this pertains to education as well.
Putting some of the responsibility on them while laying out clear goals can help bring them out of their shell during the school year.
Insert autonomy when able
A great way to see areas that students shine in is to give them the availability to figure things out for themselves and with their fellow peers. In what is perhaps one of the best set-ups for adult life, offering them tools and processes to instill autonomy in their education will have them thinking in new and innovative ways. These actions will promote independence and increase motivation to learn.
Wrap up
There are many ways to increase motivation levels in students. However, teachers and educators don’t typically have the availability to incorporate different techniques for each student. The eight strategies listed above can easily apply to large groups and boost morale in most students.