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Outsourcing Misconceptions: Fears and Realities

Outsourcing Misconceptions

Businesses are (somewhat understandably) afraid of outsourcing. Yet, it turns out that it’s not the term itself but the lack of awareness associated with it that triggers this fear. The best way to undo the fear associated with such a helpful practice is through research. Or just trying it! When that happens, companies quickly realize just how useful and profitable it truly is to partner with custom software development companies.

However, there are still many fears out in the ether that many companies cite as reasons why they choose not to outsource their development projects – and they’re all debunkable.

Outsourcing: The Most Common Fears

  • Fear of Third-Parties – Among the top fears linked to development outsourcing is the fear of not having control or direct contact with teams as companies do with in-house employees. It’s something quite common in businesses that are ironically complex in their operation and therefore direly require third-party teams. They sometimes believe that outsourced developers working remotely won’t be able to handle the complexities of the job or their tasks. Tech companies nowadays even outsource their software patenting work so as to get it done cheaper.

However, this simply isn’t true. When businesses invest in quality custom software development companies, they get team members who take pride in their work and help enhance overall project quality, speed up timelines, and act as in-house team extensions.

  • Fear of a Lack of Work – Some businesses fear that they’ll sign on a third-party development team only to find out they don’t actually have as much work available as they thought. Thankfully, most outsourcing providers are quite flexible and allow their clients to size their teams down or up as needed to ensure that every project has enough members for success.
  • Fear of Miscommunications – Some businesses may anticipate better communication with in-house employees than they would with an outsourcing company. On the other hand, some small businesses may prefer self-reliance over delegating their tasks. The main issue is the barrier of communication, which businesses can overcome by establishing different rules.

For example, companies may want to set a standard protocol for sharing strategies, software development common practices, the overall game plan, and more through regular meetings. Businesses must also work towards setting specific conduct and communication expectations from the get-go. This helps resolve these problems before they begin, ultimately helping teams in developing trust toward outsourcing companies.

  • Fear of Information Misuse – Businesses also sometimes fear that outsourcing companies might misuse or leak their important information and private files. It’s important that companies protect themselves via legally binding documents, including NDA and project ownership documents. All of these ensure clarity about the intellectual property rights within the business.

As most quality outsourcing companies come up with this arrangement, businesses shouldn’t have to doubt confidentiality matters. It’s also important to consider the distribution rights, policy concerns, and other legal frameworks when building a contract with the outsourcing company before starting the work.

The root of these common outsourcing fears comes from misconceptions about such companies. While all dynamics are there, it’s not wise to generalize an entity because of popular opinion. Extensive research is therefore necessary before finalizing a decision to sign a contract with custom software development companies.

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