10 Things to Consider When Raising Self-Storage Rent

When you don’t have room for your possessions, self-storage facilities are a terrific solution. Before renting a unit, it’s important to understand what you’re getting into, whether you’re moving, remodeling, or simply need some additional storage.

Before renting a storage facility, there are ten things you should be aware of, as this article will cover. So read on for information that will help make your experience more pleasant, whether you’re a first-time storage renter or just searching for some advice check selftorageunits.io

1. Change tenants frequently

Tenants grow more sensitive to rent hikes the longer they live with you. They think they require storage space at the beginning of the lease. The longer they store, the more likely they are to reconsider their needs, and finally, they come to the conclusion that they have spent more in rent than the property is worth. No matter when they moved in or what their current rent was, everyone should receive an increase each year, whether it was above or below the norm.

2. Restrict moving out

Even while many clients grumble about rent hikes, few actually leave. This is a result of the renters’ estimated “move-out” expense. To put it another way, they have to hire help, rent a vehicle, take time off work, utilize their valuable weekend time, etc.

Therefore, before it really makes economic sense to switch from one facility to another, one can raise a tenant’s rent by 20% over current market prices. This is a basic guideline that, while there are undoubtedly exceptions, has held true for me. If consumers do not object, your rent increase was insufficient.

3. Eliminate other reasons

A rent increase does not cause customers to leave. Since they just re-evaluated their need for the storage space, they decide to move out since they no longer actually need the space or have been preparing to do so for months.

The rent rise has forced them to carry out their choice. The longer the renters have been with you, the more probable it is that they will leave through this method. Do not worry about evictions due to rent increases.

4. Space for the tenants

Larger-unit tenants are more tolerant of rent hikes than tenants in smaller apartments. Rent hikes will be tolerated by small-unit tenants more so than by tenants of bigger spaces.

5. Occupancy of tenants

There is no impact of occupancy on your capacity to increase rent. You might have to wait 5 to 10 years to increase your income if you wait for the economy to improve. To optimise revenue at your property and stay up with inflation, you should increase rentals annually.

6. Position of tenants

Rent hikes will be more tolerable for renters up or inside than for those below or within a drive-up. The difficulty of shifting into upstairs and interior homes is the cause of this. Set these tenants’ rent increases greater than those for residents in a downstairs or drive-up units.

7. Time of payment

Rent hikes will be tolerated better by habitually late tenants than by those who pay on time or whose credit cards are automatically charged.

Tenants who are in default are perpetual “a day late and a dollar short.” Tenants who are in default pay far greater rent through fines than a typical renter would ever agree to! Raise persistently unpaid tenants more quickly than reliable clients.

8. Improvements

You should always propose a modest rent increase if you make any appreciable improvements to the property, such as new asphalt, painted unit doors, a new gate system, cameras, etc.

Tenants are less opposed to renting hikes when they understand what they are getting for their money. In actuality, they anticipate it. When you make glaring improvements, consider modestly raising your rent.

9. Incentives

The sensitivity of special-rate renters to price hikes is always greater than that of full-price tenants. They choose you because of the cost, so it makes sense that they’ve been conditioned to pay attention to it.

“Ratcheted up” is required for tenants who sign leases at special rates. In order to raise the price to the full amount, you must increase them gradually.

10. Fear

Fear drives rent increases. If you decreased their rent, some renters would be upset. Some people would leave if you merely told them that they are hoarding unnecessary items. All it takes is a little whining and a lot more money.


There is just no way to avoid rent hikes for your property, whether you are renting an apartment, a parking space, a storage unit, or an acre of farmland. Energy prices rise. Taxes rise. The cost of materials increases with inflation.

As the population grows, more individuals require a place to call home. Costs for real estate are always going up. This idea is presumably familiar to your tenants as well. They probably anticipate their storage unit rental fee to rise in line with the rise in their apartment rent from year to year or lease to lease.

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