Groovy Bot Set Up and Commands Tutorial

If you find it difficult to set the Groovy bot on your discord server, or if you struggle to understand and use its commands, this detailed tutorial will make things easier for you.

As you might already know, many Discord users consider Groovy Bot one of the best music bots. It has amazing playback functions, including playlist management, song queuing, and volume control. Its ability to connect with YouTube and Spotify smoothly sets it apart from others. However, along with this impressive music experience, sometimes it becomes difficult for new users to set up a Groovy bot on Discord and some old users struggle to understand and properly use its commands.

How to Set Up Groovy Bot on Discord?

You can set up the Groovy bot on your Discord server by following these easy steps.

  1. Go to the Groovy Bot’s official website.
  2. On the website you will see the “Add to Discord” button, click on it.
  3. After clicking on the button, you will see the authorization page. Here you will be asked to select the Discord server to which you want to add the Groovy bot.
  4. Now the Groovy bot’s system will ask you to grant permissions to start working. Remember to read and understand the permissions requested before agreeing.
  5. After reviewing the permissions, if you feel comfortable granting the necessary permissions then click on the “Authorize” button.
  6. Once you have authorized it, Groovy Bot will automatically join your Discord server.
  7. After joining the server, you will receive a confirmation message in the server indicating that Groovy Bot has successfully joined.

If you follow these steps correctly, you will successfully set up the Groovy bot on your Discord.

Note – To start using the Groovy bot on your Discord server, you need to have a voice channel. This is the place where Groovy Bot will join to play music. In case your server doesn’t already have a voice channel, you can easily create one using Discord’s channel creation tools. For this, go to your Discord server and click the ‘+‘ button. This will open the channel creation dashboard. Then select the option to create a voice channel. You can customize it according to your preference with the available options.

Read More: – 22 Useful Cool Discord Bots to Enhance Your Server

Groovy Bot Slash Commands and Uses

As there are more than 100 commands to use, here is the list of the most useful Groovy Bot slash commands for you.

Music Playback Commands:

  1. /play –  This command plays a song in your voice channel.
  2. Example Usage: /play Despacito or /play
  3. /pause – This command pauses the currently playing song.
  4. /stop – Use this command to stop the music playback.
  5. /skip – This command skips to the next song in the queue.
  6. /volume –  Adjust the volume of the music playback with this command.
  7. /fast forward –  This command fast forwards the specified amount in the current song.
  8. These are the main playback commands.

Queue Management Commands:

  1. /queue – This command displays the current queue of tracks.
  2. /clear – This command clears the queue.
  3. /remove – Remove the specified song from the queue using this command.

Example : /remove 3

  1. /shuffle – This command shuffles the queue.
  2. /jump – If you want to jump to the specified song in the queue this is your go-to command.
  3. After these main queue management commands, let us see the other utility commands in the list.

Utility Commands:

  1. /help – If you want to see the basic information about Groovy, you can see that by using this command.
  2. /invite –  Add the bot to another server using this command.
  3. /perms modify – This command will modify the permissions of a user or role.
  4. /perms view – You can view the permissions of a user or role with this command.
  5. announce – It helps you toggle whether Groovy will announce when songs start playing.
  6. /autoplay  This enables you to turn the autoplay feature on or off, depending on your preference.
  7. /back – This command lets you go back to a song. If you’re at the end of the queue, it’ll start playing the last song.
  8. /bass boost –  Change or display the bass boost with this command.
  9. /disconnect – This command resets the player, clears the queue, and leaves the voice channel.
  10. /fix – This command changes the Discord voice server in case it is causing lag.
  11. /loop You can change the looping mode using this command.
  12. /lyrics –  This command displays lyrics for the playing song.

Other Commands

  1. /move – This command moves a song to a new position.
  2. /nightcore – Choose whether you want to switch on or off the nightcore mode.
  3. /now playing – This command will display the playing track.
  4. /perms modify – Modify the permissions of a user or role using this command.
  5. /perms view – View the permissions of a user or role with this command.
  6. /pitch – You can change or display the pitch with this command.
  7. /reset –  This command resets the player, clears the queue, and leaves the voice channel.
  8. /rewind – Rewind the specified amount in the current song using this command.
  9. /saved queues create –  Create a saved queue with this command.
  10. /saved queues delete – This command will delete a saved queue.
  11. /saved queues list – This command will display the list of your saved queues.
  12. /saved queues load – Load a saved queue with this command.
  13. /saved queues share – This command helps you share a saved queue.
  14. /search – This command searches for the input and returns a list of results for you to pick from.
  15. /seek – This command seeks the playing track to the specified timestamp.
  16. /speed – Change or display the speed with this command.
  17. /unpause – This command unpauses the player.
  18. /vaporwave – This command lets you choose to turn on or off the vaporwave mode.

Why Groovy Bot Commands Are Not Working?

Sometimes, you might find yourself frustrated when the above Groovy bot commands don’t work. But most of the time this happens for small reasons like correct command and other details. So, let’s see the potential reasons for this and how you can solve this issue.

1. The groovy bot might be down

Groovy Bot might be undergoing maintenance or experiencing downtime. Thus it might not respond to your commands.

You should check the Groovy bot’s status on its official website about maintenance or downtime. If that is the case indeed, there is not much you do apart from waiting for the bot to come back online before attempting to use commands again.

2. Connectivity Issues

Groovy Bot may have lost connection to Discord servers due to network issues.

You should verify your internet connection stability and Discord server status. This might sound basic, but most of the time checking your internet connection and restarting your Discord server can resolve this problem.

3. Insufficient Permissions

Remember the permissions we talked about earlier, there is a chance that Groovy Bot might lack some necessary permissions to perform certain commands in your Discord server.

So, check Groovy Bot’s role permissions in your server settings. Ensure it has permission to read and send messages, manage channels, and join voice channels. If some permissions are restricted from your end adjust them accordingly.

4. Incorrect Command Prefix or Syntax

Using the wrong command prefix or syntax can also result in commands not working. by Groovy Bot. This might happen because Groovy can’t recognize the commands if misspelled or use the wrong prefix.

So, make sure to check the command prefix you’ve set up for Groovy Bot in your server settings. Use the correct syntax for commands i.e. making sure there’s enough space and the format is correct. If you’re not sure how to use a command, check the Groovy bot’s guide or refer to our commanding guide above.

5. Bot Blacklisted Commands:

Some commands may be disabled or restricted by bot developers or server admins. It could be due to member preference or for keeping a clean environment.

So, confirm if the command you’re using is allowed on your server. You can do this by checking with server administrators or bot developers for any restrictions on specific commands. If it’s indeed blacklisted, try using alternative commands.

6. Command Rate Limits:

Sounds difficult right, but keeping it simple, Discord sets rules to stop bots from being overused. If you send too many commands too fast, Discord might slow down or stop the bot for a bit. This might happen because the server can’t handle so many commands at once. To avoid this, just take a short break between each command. If you notice the bot isn’t responding, wait a bit before trying again.


That’s all we have to share for now. We hope we have cleared your queries about the Groovy bot with these step-by-step instructions for setting it up on your Discord server. With the list of the most useful Groovy commands, you can listen to music effortlessly across various platforms including YouTube and Spotify. In case these commands are not working, consider going through our troubleshooting tips. If the issue persists make sure you reach out to the support team they will provide you with the necessary assistance. If you have any more questions about the Groovy bot, let us know in the comments.


1. What is a Groovy Bot?

Ans – Groovy Bot is a Discord bot music bot. It lets you play music in your Discord voice channels from sources like YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud. Because of its amazing features, it’s considered one of the best music bots by Discord users.

2. How does the Groovy bot work?

Ans – The Groovy Bot works by connecting it to your Discord server. It allows you to play music using commands like “/play” followed by a song name or URL. Easy isn’t it?

3. Is Groovy Bot free to use?

Ans – Yes, you can use Groovy Bot for free as it offers both free and premium tiers.

4. How do I change the command prefix for Groovy Bot?

Ans – You can change the command prefix by using the “/prefix” command followed by your desired prefix, such as “/prefix !”. It will change the prefix from “/” to “!”

5. How do I add Groovy Bot to my Discord server?

Ans – You can add Groovy Bot to your Discord server by visiting the official Groovy website and clicking on the “Add to Discord” button. Next, authorize the bot and select the server you want to add it to. We have also provided step-by-step instructions for the same in this blog, refer to it for more detailed information.

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